16 Jun

My favorite FYLH Event would be when we sold at SANTA. I really enjoyed the fundraiser here because I was able to make something new for it. I created homemade beaded bracelets and I believe we sold them each for three to four dollars. Other than the bracelets, we also sold small seedlings and plants, like succulents, bitterguard saplings, blackberry, strawberry, Nastertium. Since it was also Mother’s Day the next day, we sold many Mother’s day presents like photo frames and gift bags/boxes. A unique item we sold were mini puja peetas, which were handcrafted and painted. An added bonus was that we were able to watch the dancers and promote FYLH on the stage. We were also able to promote our summer camps coming in a few months.I would say that the overall event was a huge success, as we were able to sell almost everything and gain a lot of publicity from our booth. 

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